Photos and Story by Sydney Hutchison

College students understand how the excitement of the holiday season is often overshadowed by the chaos that is final exams. On college campuses around this time of year, sometimes it's hard to find the holiday spirit. Despite the stress of finals, many students in the dorms find time to spread their holiday cheer.

Decorating your dorm is a fun and easy way to get in the holiday spirit and share it with your peers. Roommates freshman Paige Kopczyk, Sydney Eustice and Sydney Amsdill enjoy making time to decorate their dorm room.

"If you look down our hallway, not many people decorate their doors," said Eustice.

"It's fun for us to create ideas," said Kopczyk.

Many residents agreed that one of the main reasons they decorate their dorms is because they love the holiday season and want to share their joy with fellow residents.

"Christmas is all of our favorite holidays in our room so we wanted to do something festive. Everyone walks past the door so we thought this would be a great place to put something," said junior Vanessa Chambe.

For some people, decorating their door is a way to de-stress during the busiest time of the semester.

When asked why she decorates her door junior Abby Read said, "I think it's kind of relaxing to do instead of homework. It's a nice little break."

Door decorations are also a way to bring residents together. Sophomore Bailey Birman, a Resident Assistant in Herrig hall, thinks that the best part about the holidays in the dorms "is when everyone comes together and decorates and celebrates together."

Around this time of year, the sense of community in the dorms is stronger than ever. "Wherever you walk, there's always christmas music being played and people are trying to do things to get into the holiday spirit," Chambe said. Junior Isabella Gross agreed. "I like that generally people are in a good mood because Christmas is coming," she said. "Everybody is ready to go home and see people but they're also nice because they're aware that everyone is missing their families."

During the holiday season being away from home can become especially difficult. According to sophomore Andrea Bell, "I feel like the decorations make it feel a little bit more at home. Even decorating inside your room or your door it makes you feel like you aren't so far away."